
Save The Planet !
Reduce Reuse Recycle The Plastic

Reuse: Don’t discard; find new purposes for plastic items.
Reduce: Minimize single-use plastics. Choose alternatives.
Recycle: Ensure plastics find their way to proper recycling facilities.
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Founder’s Message

Women sustain the traditional wisdom of conserving the environment because they play important roles as land managers and natural resources managers. Climate change is real, women in many parts of the world, especially in indigenous communities are the first who experience this devastating impact of the biodiversity crisis and environmental degradation. In the light of the current biodiversity crisis, it is obvious that we must urgently accelerate this pace and women need to be equally involved in the ecosystem of sustainable development, we should look to this inclusive collaborative approach to address these issues.
Empowering women is a way to empower our natural resources on which every aspect of life depends. Time is now to act and take action to make our environment more sustainable for the future generation. Come together to act now!

Dr. Archana Naithani

Founder’s Message

Women sustain the traditional wisdom of conserving the environment because they play important roles as land managers and natural resources managers. Climate change is real, women in many parts of the world, especially in indigenous communities are the first who experience this devastating impact of the biodiversity crisis and environmental degradation. In the light of the current biodiversity crisis, it is obvious that we must urgently accelerate this pace and women need to be equally involved in the ecosystem of sustainable development, we should look to this inclusive collaborative approach to address these issues.
Empowering women is a way to empower our natural resources on which every aspect of life depends. Time is now to act and take action to make our environment more sustainable for the future generation. Come together to act now!

Dr. Archana Naithani


Internship opportunities for women’s at Ecoensa India Pvt Ltd on various sectors to gain experience in multiple areas to do our part to create a more sustainable future for our planet. Let’s protect and restore nature “now and for the next generation” which is in our hands.
  • Conservation & Wildlife
  • Environmental Policy & Advocacy
  • Sustainable Development
  • Research & Academia
  • Climate Change
  • Clean Energy & Renewable Resources
  • Environmental Education
  • Waste Management & Recycling
  • Marine & Coastal Conservation
  • Carbon Monitoring

Our Key Priorities

In our journey towards a greener and more sustainable tomorrow, we remain
dedicated to three foundational pillars:
Climate Solutions

Climate Solutions

Transitioning to sustainable and renewable energy sources is at the heart of our mission. By harnessing the power of the sun, wind, and water, we're paving the way for a cleaner, brighter future.

Waste Management

Waste Management

Our commitment to eliminating plastic is unwavering. Plastic pollution threatens our oceans, wildlife, and our own health. By advocating for plastic alternatives and responsible consumption, we're pushing for a world where plastics no longer dominate our landscapes.



Every habitat and species plays a crucial role in the intricate web of life. We prioritize the protection and restoration of diverse ecosystems to maintain the planet's health and balance.

Climate Solutions

Transitioning to sustainable and renewable energy sources is at the heart of our mission. By harnessing the power of the sun, wind, and water, we’re paving the way for a cleaner, brighter future.

The Perils of Plastic on Our Environment

Plastic, once hailed as a miracle material, has become an environmental crisis. Its durability, ironically, is its doom. Every piece of plastic ever made still exists today, leading to clogged waterways, polluted oceans, and harm to marine life who mistake it for food. As plastics break down into microplastics, they permeate our soils and water systems, entering the food chain and potentially impacting human health. Additionally, the production and disposal of plastics release harmful greenhouse gases, exacerbating climate change. We’re witnessing a planet enveloped in plastic, and the consequences are dire. It’s imperative we address this issue head-on for the sake of our planet and future generations. 🌍🚫🥤

Our Campaign

Embracing a sustainable future means understanding the urgency of now. Our campaign seeks to address the pivotal environmental challenges of our time, spotlighting the ripple effect of individual actions on the global ecosystem.

Become Our Volunteer

Passionate about making a tangible difference in our world? Join us as a volunteer! By lending your time and skills, you become an essential part of our mission to create a healthier, more sustainable future.